
The website does not guarantee that all information about the casinos is accurate at the time of writing. We always try to update the information we publish online but accuracy cannot be guaranteed with absolution. There are many casinos listed in this website and they often change the promotions as well as rules periodically. An individual casino can cancel promotions without notice. Make sure to check the individual rules and regulations of the casino before making transactions.

It is possible for a player to lose most or all of the money that was wagered or deposited and they cannot hold the website responsible for losses. Remember that there are concerns and risks with wagering money online in casinos.

You need to understand that online gambling is not accepted as a legal game in all countries. Countries like the United States, for example where online gambling is not allowed must only be used for gaining information. A visitor in a location that does not allow online gambling cannot bet on any games. You must make a legal advice and consultation to your local lawmakers to make online gambling a legal activity in your area. Using the information from the websites that violates any local, state and federal laws is not allowed.

The user knows that all the events and actions that he or she joined are responsibilities solely of the user. The information you see is only for informational purposes and we cannot be held liable and responsible for the accuracy of the data.

You must make sure that online gambling is legal in the place where you are residing and that you are of legal age. You must pay taxes to your own area of residence. You must know the local laws running in your area.

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